Sunday, October 27, 2013

Number of US military personnel killed in Afghanistan since 2001: 2,150
Annual average unemployment rate for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans2002-2012; 10% (average annual unemployment rate for vets of previous wars: 6.3%)
Population of Afghanistan: 30 – 34 million
Amount of US aid since 2001 per person: roughly $3,333
Number of Taliban willing to run for elective office while there are US troops in that country: 0
Number of US and allied foreign troops killed by members of supposedly friendly Afghanistan National Army in 2012: 62 . (The number is much less this year [12], but only because joint operations were suspended for a long period).
Percentage of annual Afghanistan gross domestic product from the opium trade: 25%
Percentage of the remaining 75% of the annual Afghanistan gross domestic product from foreign aid: 97%.

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